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Enhancing Environmental Comfort for Individuals in Care

Focusing on tailored strategies to create a comfortable and supportive environment for individuals receiving care.

Understanding and Respecting Individual Preferences

  • Adjusting Lighting: Dimming lights if they are too bright, respecting individual sensitivity to light.
  • Minimising Noise: Closing doors or windows and adjusting TV volume to create a quieter environment.
  • Temperature Control: Ensuring the room is at a comfortable temperature, airy and odour-free.

Challenges and Strategies in Night-time Care

Striving to minimise light and noise during night-time care while maintaining comfort and safety.

Consultation and Collaboration

  • Consulting with carers or managers for advice on improving the individual's environment.
  • Involving family members for their unique insights and potential solutions.

Handling Potentially Uncomfortable Tasks

Approaching tasks with care and sensitivity, ensuring informed consent, and seeking ways to reduce discomfort.

Consent and Communication

  • Obtaining consent and informing individuals about procedures that may cause discomfort.
  • Exploring alternative approaches to reduce discomfort, in consultation with managers and health professionals.

Team Collaboration and Reporting Concerns

Utilising team meetings and handovers to share concerns and brainstorm solutions to enhance care quality.